Saturday, May 20, 2006

United States of Maternity

Frightening goings on in the US at the moment, where women's rights seem to be getting carefully eroded away by an incredibly vocal few.
To begin with Bill Napoli, a senator from South Dakota waded in with his frankly disturbing views on abortions, which if you haven't heard I recomend you go here to get yourself an idea.
Clearly nothing wrong with him then. I would be interested to know why he would only sanction help going to a rape victim if she was religious? How religious would you have to be? What religion do you have to follow? I can't help but feel we are talking about commited christians only here, but that may be my own bias view of American senators coming through. Would buddhists or atheists be politely but firmly ignored?
Then I go to have a look at Graycastle's site to find a link to this Washington Post article.
Yes, you read that right. Women who have yet to reach the menopause are to consider themselves as pre- pregnant whether they plan to have children or not.
Now I know that I'm the last person who should be getting on their soapbox about this issue as I'm well aware that unplanned pregnancies do happen (twice?!) but this sounds dangerously close to treating women like nothing more than cattle. Doubtless some of the people involved in this discussion have the best of intentions. Perhaps they just needed to give a bit more thought to what it was they wanted to say. With populations increasing childbirth seems to be doing okay for itself. Surely a bigger issue is the general health and wellbeing of EVERYONE. We all need to look after ourselves and really shouldn't be told to do it just because we might one day get pregnant. We should take care of our health because it's the right thing to do, male or female.

"Women should also make sure all vaccinations are up-to-date and avoid contact with lead-based paints and cat feces."

So does this mean it's alright for men to have contact with lead based paint? All this time I've been avoiding it because I thought it was poisonous and it turns out men are immune. I'm off to paint my collection of cat feces.
Women needn't despair however, because all other pooh types are apparently acceptable so you can find your own substitute fecal matter to play with. Your days of rolling around in cat crap may be over but I'm sure you'll get over it.


Blogger AlieMalie said...

ah, yes. as much as i could say on this topic, i'm not going to. it enrages me like you wouldn't believe.

let's just say it's another perfect example of why i'm moving to Canada.

3:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel ill.

We need to take decisive action to free these brave people from fundamentalist ideological tyranny and to allow them to express themselves democratically.
Poorly targeted bombing seems the popular method these days. Who's in? Tony?

I think I know where to send this.

8:48 pm  
Blogger Scrumplet said...

You just missed me shooting flames from my eyes. And then they ask me why would I *not* want to continue to be a citizen of this country, and what if I ever wanted to go back...

Would I even be welcome? I mean, I don't plan to have children anytime soon, so maybe I'm not suitable for living in the USA. How long until American women are all force-fed the pill? It's bad enough as it is, being prescribed as a cure for acne!

Then again, this does give me an out-of-jail card for cleaning the litter box. Come on, boys! You won't get parasites like us pre-breeding women do!


7:53 pm  
Blogger Minerva said...

This is why I think organised religion is worng, too many bloodly men with nothing to do and no life of their own. If JC was around today he be saying Whats up with uses? Are ya tripping or something? You need to protect and love ya sister, brother, mother and father, not punishing them cos they don't show up to a building.

10:51 pm  
Blogger jas said...

i bet you love what john gibson had to say in fox news.

let me paraphrase

you white women need to be giving out the poonahnie more so that white people can maintain the majority

11:20 pm  

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