Monday, July 31, 2006

The Bees Knee

There was more oddness going on across the road from where I work this Saturday.

This time there was a big soundstage outside the pub opposite where they were performing karaoke. Being stuck in the library working on such a hot day meant we had as many doors and windows open as possible.
Unfortunately this meant we could hear every song.

I'll be honest- I can't sing at all, but you see- that is why you won't catch me on a stage performing to an audience.
These 'singers' weren't going to let a little thing like that stop them.

To make things even weirder a bee randomly flew in to the building and decided to head straight for my leg where it then decided it was going to stay.

I was working with GW at the time who decided to adopt the bee and went off to get a camera to take a picture. There was a slightly awkward moment when she came back with it while I was serving a customer and went to take a photo under the desk but stopped at the last minute when she suddenly realised how dodgy that looked.

The bee made it's home among some books on the desk we were working at and it was obvious the poor thing was on its last legs as it was quite content to just sit there. However when it did die with those legs in the air in a comedy fashion GW got all upset, accusing me of killing it (she'd obviously been reading my blog). There were even tears in her eyes, but that could have been due to the karaoke outside.
The bee then made a rather undignified exit from the library. GW decided to take it outside, rejecting my suggestion that we pop it in the bin. She lifted it with a piece of card and headed towards the door where the wind promptly blew it off and on to the floor. GW then proceeded to use the card to roll the poor thing out on to the path. Who knows what the customers thought she was doing.
I think she felt better after this as she decided to make me a badge. Then again...


Blogger AlieMalie said...

neener neener neener.


and you can never hold anything over me again.


3:19 am  
Blogger korova said...

wow what a heart rendering story. love, betrayal, murder, had everything. You are still a vicious bee murderer though!

2:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bombus pascuorum (ex) in case you're interested.

(You're not, but I don't care)

Don't worry, N. I don't think you murdered it.
It just sensed your irrational bigotry and couldn't carry on. I'd call it empathic manslaughter.

You git.

5:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU BEE KILLER. The bee was happy, it even waved when we were taking the photo. How could it stand a chance you went into it's flight path, to add to it you put him upon the desk belly up so he had no chance. BEE KILLER.BEE KILLER.BEE KILLER.BEE KILLER. BEE KILLER.GW

5:40 pm  
Blogger The Neath said...

Aliemalie- I know, I know. I'm building up to goldfish.

Korova- Why, thank you.

Xulub- Empathic manslaughter sounds awsome. That's the story I'll use.

GW- Yes it's true, as he looked up waving his little arm in supplication it was almost as if he knew...


6:47 pm  

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