Sunday, September 03, 2006

Captain Beaky

I impressed Avenger at work recently while she was flicking through an Edgar Allan Poe book by quoting a line from 'Alone,' one of his poems. I'm a big fan of Poe and could easily have gone on to impress everyone even more by launching in to a rendition of 'The Raven'. Instead I decided to blow all my street cred while still proving that I can quote from more than one poem by reciting the opening verse of 'Captain Beaky.'
I have no shame.
I'm not sure what my thought process was. 'Hmmm, what poem would wow everyone now? What about 'The Raven?' That's a poem about a bird. I wonder if there are any other poems about birds... Wait just a minute...! Captain Beaky!'
I used to love Captain Beaky when I was much, much smaller to the point that I used to know the whole thing off by heart.
However the only other person in the room who was able to join in, in fact probably the only other person in the room who had even heard of Captain Beaky was my brother (the artist formerly known as Rhub). I've decided that it's time this sorry situation changed (as well as proving to Avenger that we weren't making it up as we went along) so I urge you all to click here for the complete lyrics to 'Captain Beaky & His Band.'

Enjoy. When I said that I used to love it when I was much, much smaller I should add that I still love it now.

Natuarally with something this good there was the inevitable sequel which you can read here.

I even get a reference in the penultimate line.


Blogger Vanda said...

"Impressed" is such a strong word. I was more worried than anything really. I mean what else goes on in that head of yours that none of us knows about? What else have you memorized? For all I know you may be the only other person in the library that knows the Oscar Myers song. Now that would be impressive!

8:52 pm  
Blogger Vanda said...

"Impressed" is such a strong word. I was more worried than anything really. I mean what else goes on in that head of yours that none of us knows about? What else have you memorized? For all I know you may be the only other person in the library that knows the Oscar Myers song. Now that would be impressive!

8:53 pm  
Blogger Vanda said...

"Impressed" is such a strong word. I was more worried than anything really. I mean what else goes on in that head of yours that none of us knows about? What else have you memorized? For all I know you may be the only other person in the library that knows the Oscar Myers song. Now that would be impressive!

8:53 pm  
Blogger Vanda said...

"Impressed" is such a strong word. I was more worried than anything really. I mean what else goes on in that head of yours that none of us knows about? What else have you memorized? For all I know you may be the only other person in the library that knows the Oscar Myers song. Now that would be impressive!

8:54 pm  
Blogger Vanda said...

"Impressed" is such a strong word. I was more worried than anything really. I mean what else goes on in that head of yours that none of us knows about? What else have you memorized? For all I know you may be the only other person in the library that knows the Oscar Myers song. Now that would be impressive!

8:56 pm  
Blogger korova said...

Avenger appears to have gone mad....truly this is the final proof....

9:01 pm  
Blogger The Neath said...

Korova- "Mad" is such a strong word- but appropriate... Unless Avenger is making a clever reference to a song you have to repeat over and over...

Avenger- Altogether now!
"Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Myer Weiner..."
No, sorry, I don't know it.

10:53 pm  
Blogger Vanda said...

NOW, I'm impressed!

8:19 pm  

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