Thursday, August 17, 2006

That Accursed Technology

I've spent a few days unable to blog properly because my anti virus system decided to take over my computer and block every site it could think of. At least I knew it wasn't my computer or the internet connection this time. With my swish monitor and new phone modem I shouldn't have any problems getting on to the interwidewub provided I've remembered the coal to power it.

I don't seem to be getting on with anything technical at the moment. All I have to do is look at it for it to just die on me- The latest victim being my cars brake lights.
I love the gear itself- MP3 Players, digital cameras, dvd etc, but I've developed this whole techno fear thing where as soon as I see something all newfangled and shiny I'm already expecting it to pack up on me. This has made me paranoid to the point of obsessively going through the instruction manuals of anything new I get, mostly looking out for any information on what might go wrong. In the meantime my partner has already taken whatever it is out of the box and has been using it for the past few hours without any instructions (tsk!)... and admittedly without any problems either.

My excitement over anything electrical coupled with the fear of not understanding it is starting to make me feel like some kind of Victorian throwback.

At least I know that if our planet ever gets invaded by giant robots they won't stand a chance against me.

Of course, I might have to ask them for the manual first...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had the same problem with plants.

If the Decepticons and the Monster Minds ever teamed up, you would be our secret weapon:

'Hello, my name is Neath. I'm here to assist you in any way with your conquest of the Earth'

Hah! The fools wouldn't stand a chance!

(ah, nostalgia)

11:26 am  
Blogger nigs the ninja said...

of course if the decepacons drop an EMP bomb then all electrical things stop and the nifty neath does not have to be technosavy any more....hooray !!!

9:56 pm  

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