Saturday, December 23, 2006

All change

There seems to be a sudden trend for some of the bloggers I read to spruce up their sites. Aliemalie started it and Wes and Korova have followed suit. Now I can't help but think my site is looking a bit shabby but I like the classic black. Besides I'll just look like I'm copying the others now (which, fair enough, I would be).
I asked Korova why he had changed his blog address from the slightly disturbing yet unintentionaly amusing 'anal ternative reality' and he told me that it was partly because he fancied a change and partly because I had "been taking the piss out of the name, you bastard (I'm paraphrasing a bit here, but that was the general gist of it)."
So now Korova can be found at
For anyone that might be wondering 'The Resno Code' is a little bit like 'The Da Vinci Code' but far more interesting. Instead of covering up the shocking revelation that someone a few thousand years ago might have got married and had kids, 'The Resno Code' concerns the incredible truth that Jesus loved to play the trumpet. Possibly.

A Resno- Tempered Bell Trumpet, such as the one Jesus may have used when playing with popular jazz troupe 'The Disciples'


Blogger AlieMalie said...

you're terrible, Neath. hehe. i like the classic black too, but you could always get a new, BLACK template.

6:53 pm  
Blogger korova said...

I don't think I actually used the word 'bastard' did I?? I would never indulge in such foul language!!

8:26 pm  
Blogger The Neath said...

Hey, Aliemalie, I just can't help myself. Hmm, maybe I shall investigate what black templates are on the market.

Korova (gentleman blasphemer)- I did say I was paraphrasing!
: )
Of course you would never use such language.

8:35 pm  

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