Saturday, April 15, 2006


I'm really tired right now. I've been blaming it on all sorts of things- a side affect of raising children, poor diet, even air pollution, but I've just discovered it isn't any of that at all.
It turns out I'm tired because I'm overworked.
You see, if the population of this country is 51 million and 21 million are retired that just leaves 30 million to do the work. There are 19 million in school which leaves 11 million to do the work. 2 million are unemployed, 4 million are employed by the Government and 1 million are in the armed forces, leaving 4 million to do the work. Of those 3 million are employed by County and Borough Councils leaving just 1 million to do the work. There are 620,000 people in hospitals and 379,998 in prison. This means that there are just TWO people to do the work. YOU and ME.

And you're sat on your arse reading this- it's no wonder I'm so bloody tired.


Blogger The Neath said...

From too much time on the internet when I should have been working.

1:11 pm  

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